Wednesday, March 7, 2007

ANTM- Part 2

Ok has anyone else noticed that this is supposed to be all about previous winners- but the theme song montage starts with Yoanna, and not Adrienne! It's like she never existed! I mean yes Adrienne has had her own couple of reality shows but she really should apologize to Tyra for sending her a nasty letter yelling at her. She could be getting some kick ass publicity.

Oh god we have to get an esthetician in ASAP to fix Samantha's brows....they are blindingly bad!!

Oh they have to walk- where is Miss J!! Let's see him strut!! Oh Kaarina- you are much better with a baton. "i walk like I'm martian"- hehe

Look at that dress!! God he is fabulous! Watch him twirl!! In those shoes! Fabulous!

I can't STAND Jaslene's voice!! It's like her throat is constantly full of mucous- so nasty!

Oh my god her boob came out- in front of high school kids!! oh god! how hard was that "choreography"?! God look at that trophy- could you get that on a plane!?!?

Ok I think Jaslene is crazy...actually crazy...maybe that is why she doesn't eat.

Oh boy product placement- I think I need to go out and buy some herbal essence....I"m not sure why...."I could have done the slutty thing"....hehe

Jaslene looks like the singer from the Black Eyed Peas. Renee is whining again.....and she is whining again.

Yay it's still ghetto Tyra!! That looks like a pic that was taken before- I think it was a girl from season 1. Oh God Jaslene shut up! Don't cry to the judges!!

My prediction to go home- Natasha. For sure. They all need their makeovers!! Thoughts aren't connecting....what a nice way to put she's a complete idiot. Sigh- little side I the only one who gets sad when I see Twiggy! She was so fabulous in her heyday....and look at her mom hair now!

Anyways, oh that's right- Kesse- that is the pic! Do I have the same hair colour as Felicia? I love Sarah's dress! Oh that's a bit surprising- but I don't care if Samantha leaves. I don't want to have to see those brows again!! And I guess I get one more week with the cartoon character that is Natasha!!

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