Thursday, March 22, 2007

Grey's Anatomy

How in hell are they going to recover from this catastrophe? Izzie and George?!? Yuck!! Ick! I mean haven't we already been down this route with Meredith and George?!

So they have made George forget- let me guess- he is going to remember at the most inopportune time. I love Callie- you smelly smelly little man- how can George do that to her?!

Why the hell is Izzie trying to remind him?! Just stay quiet!

I think she should bleed to death- god I hate the daughter. Selfish little bitch.

Why on earth won't she shut the fuck up?!!? Why did she tell Addison!? God I hate Izzie. That is right- I officially hate her. She is up there with Meredith now. Oh how the mighty have fallen!

Oh god I was scared there for a minute that Izzie and George would kiss. God that mother has to tell her daughter off. Let the oor woman die with some semblance of dignity.

McSteamy has no neck- no neck at all in that suit. He is not so steamy to me right now. Exactly George- do not clear your conscience at her expense. God I hate Izzie.

God I hate the idea of the spinoff- they need Addison on this show! She needs to hook up with Alex!!

Is it wrong that the site of Meredith and McDreamy kissing literally makes me nauseous- nasty!

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