Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rome Finale

So anyone who knows anything about me knows how much I love Classics- and this show is just so freakin fantastic! I mean it can get a bit gory for me but I suck it up.

They killed Cleopatra with a knife- reality Antony died first...then she died by an asp in Octavians keep. So Antony is going to kill himself too? I like that they've dressed him as a Roman. Ah there's Cleopatra- there may be truth to this story. I just loved the banter between Cleopatra and Octavian- aka my future husband. I love him. So dark and complex and bruding.

I love that in this era killing yourself was the noble way to die- stupid Christians. They ruin everything.

I love that Caesarian rolls in the day of Octavian's triumph. God I love Octavia's hair- I need to bring these DVDs to my hairdresser prior to my wedding. Haha- Attia- kick ass. Christ Octavian is magnificent!!

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