Monday, April 30, 2007

The Bachelor- 6

EW!! She picked his teeth- nasty! God Tina is socially awkward! Amber kind of looks like Eva Longoria.

I don't understand the Bevin obsession- first of all she is a girl named Bevin. Second- she looks old.

Create your own wine?! That is the most awesome date EVER!! Note to future boy- I want to do that! Oh cringe. Cringe- paint touching skin- that truly makes me want to puke. Oh and she is ruining her clothes! That part I would NOT like!

Talk about your past!? You have had tons of time with him!

God he never looks at these girls when he talks to them! I have many dreams...oh god say something! Oh god this girl is painful- she has absolutely nothing to say. I despise people like that- who wants to be around people who make you feel like you are pulling teeth when trying to get them to say anything.

I am the most mature 23 year old EVER! hehe

Oh Bevin you are desperate- why else would you be on this?!

Tina still grosses me out! How sad is it that these kids need to play on painted cement- that is just truly heartbreaking!

I'm impressed that Bevin can already carry bikes and do yard work- within a week of her injury- without a limp nonetheless.

See all these kids running would be my nightmare- I would be so frightened! Wow they are really putting a show on for Andy.

Has to be a woman who will breed and have my babies

Tonight I have to go out there and convince Tessa that I'm not filled with the gaygay...

What the hell else did they think the case was?! Have they never watched this show before?!

Ok I take back the wine date- a shopping date would take the cake! Oh here comes the love lift us up where we belong...HAHA! But he ruins it with another lame Titanic reference.

See the guys love the chase- it's all about being the aloof one- be different than the other whores that are chasing him.

Oh I hope we see a big Bevin flip out! I love those!

She is so into me- it is so electric charged! Do you really want to kiss Tina- her mouth is so horrible!!

I actually like quite a few of the outfits tonight. I love Stephanie's- all over the grecian look! I also really like Bevin's. For the love of god Tina close your mouth!

Ok the first three were predictable- I think all the other 3 are totally dispensible. But I think it'll be Danielle.

God I'm good! And now I don't have to look at Tina again!! Stephanie- you were my pick! Why oh why don't you speak?!