Thursday, May 17, 2007

Grey's Predictions

So here are my predictions for tonight:

1- Adele survives, the Chief promises they can make it work together and he announces that the new chief will be...Himself...that they will make it work. Either that or...
2- Derek is the new Chief- puts work before Meredith. Breaks up with Meredith. Regardless of which of the two gets chief I'm pretty sure that is how the love lives will both work out.
3- Addison leaves for LA because she doesn't get chief
4- Burke storms out of his wedding when he finds out he didn't get chief- paving the way for Grey's to get rid of Isaiah Washington
5- Callie confronts George- he can't deny it, she kicks him out and leaves the show. He runs to Izzie, they kiss.... I run to the bathroom, I puke.
6- Bailey's husband leaves her since she has no time for her family
7- Jane Doe's husband will come to claim her- Alex will be left alone...maybe he'll sleep with a spurned Christina or Callie....

I'm pretty sure I'm on the money here...thoughts...


Michelle said...

Whoa those are some intense predictions... I agree that the Burke-Christina wedding won't happen, but it won't have to do with the race for Chief. I actually think that Alex will convince Rebecca to seek out her husband. Callie's figured it out but I think she'll confront Izzie not George. I could be very wrong. I'm not usually right. haha

Michelle said...

yeah, you were right about everything. dammit grey's, you disappointed me tonight.... no happy anything????