Thursday, May 17, 2007

So Disappointing...

Picture it...a 10 year old Shauna watching and dancing to Grease for the first time with Reina and Crissy Laframboise in Crissy's living room. Danny Zucko was totally the man- he was pure singing and dancing form.... And now I have just watched John Travolta on Oprah singing and dancing as Edna Turnblad...god it's upsetting.

I should preface this by saying I have always been absolutely obsessed with Hairspray- I've seen the movie a million times. I heart the movie. I also saw the musical and it was fantastic. But this version...I don't know how I feel about it. Danny Zucko would NEVER have done drag to make out with Christopher Walken...would this guy just let his gaygay out already?! No straight guy wiggles his hips like that..I couldn't admit that when I was 10 but I can now...There is no way the T-birds would follow him now..

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