Thursday, May 3, 2007


Ok now that Mookie is gone I can focus all of my attention on Yau-man. I heart him.

This meat challenge is nauseating- that is just so gross- I think i would puke getting all that meat all over my face.

Boo didn't choose Alex?! Is he a complete moron- don't alienate the leader of your alliance!

I love that Yau is upset that his daughter got her B in Algebra- he wants to raise nerds- I appreciate that!!

Boo won- so hopefully they send Alex home! I mean don't break up their strong alliance! Yau keep them together!

Oh my god I hope none of these idiots are dumb enough to vote out Yau....if they can't see that Alex is the biggest scammer. Oh no I'm frightened! Hopefully Earl warns him and he uses the idol!

Dreamz just revealed they've been swung- use the idol Yau!! USE IT!! OH THANK GOD!! I almost just passed out I was so nervous!! I can't say goodbye to my Yau yet!

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