Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ugly Betty

Oh my god Amanda's pink blouse ensemble is amazing!! I want her wardrobe!! These buttons don't pop open by themselves- hehe!

God Leo is on this too! And he's hot here too! I love that he got skinny- his face is awesome!

I'm not going stag hag- you'll have to buy your own beer queer! HAHA!

These are thighs of steel- HAHA!!

I swear on the abs of Mark Wahlberg...hehe!

The middle ages- god I have to get my ass to Medieval times!!

It's about to get nerd nasty!

Ah- that was such a cute I love you moment!


Anonymous said...

This was one of the best episodes...I dread to ask but when is the season finale? I know Earl's is this week, but are the dramas on for a little longer? Pleeeease say yes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, totally off topic here, but did you see Dina Lohan interview Jane Fonda on the Georgia Rule red carpet? She asked Jane about what advice she'd give to young actresses and Ms. Fonda looked at the crackwhore mom like she wanted to smack her, and then said something like "don't screw it up, you only get this shot." Heehee. Love it.

Shauna said...

HAHA!! Jane Fonda so hates that family of crackwhores!! Ever since I started doing the Jane Fonda workout when I was eight I've loved her! The Betty season finale is next week I think