Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Brother 8

I love how excited Daniele is that her Dad won- I love that they are getting closer.

I would love if Dick got rid of Zach- he is creepy and arrogant.

I love that Nick has a top five list- talking about hot they are...HAHA!! Oh god he really wants to do Brad Pitt...he is totally bi!

Is Daniele always in bed!!? I think she's always there

Oh I am loving this moment with Daniele and Dick...I love that he is being so sweet with her...he's trying...I want them to get better...

I suck at that feeling bad thing...god Jen is such a twat

Oh god Kail is such a forget that he's a sinner?! You are horrid

I am really not shocked about Kail and Jen...not shocking at all

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