Monday, October 22, 2007

Pushing Daisies

People if you are not watching this show yet you really should get on it and start watching- this show is freakin amazing!!

A taxidermy wing for the pigeon...the most random plots's genius. I feel like this show is turning into the new Arrested Development- it's totally creating it's own little world that is so quirky and amazing.

Come on- daddy needs some wool!

And then the singing- put a little birdhouse in your soul..


Anonymous said...

When Aunt Vivian started to sing with Olive ... I finally placed her annoying yet familiar voice - she was Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors! You probably already knew that, but I just figured it out.

The singing is the just the cherry on top of this show! Love it.

Shauna said...

OH MY GOD- that's who she is!! I totally couldn't figure it out- I was going to look it up tonight...that's awesome!! I don't know what I'll do with myself if they introduce a character named Seymour...suddenly Seymour!!