Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pushing Daisies

Oh how I missed this show last week!! I'm so happy it's back- god it is witty!

Joel McHale!! Joel McHale!! He is the dead guy- and my favourite host of the Soup- I live for his show ever week!

Chi McBride rocks on this show- he is just fantastic! A polygamist who stabbed himself while slipping on coffee- haha! How do they come up with this stuff?! Writers strike please end soon- I don't want to miss any shows!

Hmmm....what broadway song will they sing!? Three little maids?

She bred labs- then she has to be a nice person- only nice lawabiding citizens have purebred labs!!

Hello I'm pimento- nice alias Olive! Mr Digby and Ned as aliases- this is fantastic!

A collardorrussellpoop- god bubblegum was ugly!! So they all gave him his morning coffee- interesting.

I think that it is all 4 wives working together- i mean they are sister wives. Either that or it's the first wife- pissed off that her husband became a polygamist.

First wife- i Knew it!!

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