Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big Brother!!

I swear this is the only good thing to come of the writers strike- a winter big brother! And not only is this a new big brother I am almost positive this will be the smuttiest BB ever!! They are all single and will be paired up with their "soulmate". They will have to share a bed with their partner and compete with them- let the smut begin!!

I heard that they were all strangers except for a couple will go in- they were outed as a couple by people looking them up on myspace. Oh god the poor girl just broke up with a guy after 12 years and they are going to be in the house together- oh the drama! Oh no he cheated and they have to live together- horrible! Oh they did say Jen and Ian knew each other. Oh they will be outed within a few days- this guy looks like a total ogre. They will not be able to keep this a secret.

Man there are some beefcakes amongst the men...they either look super young or super beefcakey..god I hope one ends up being attractive!

What the hell is a bikini barrista?! Oh wait Neil is attractive- and one of these guys has Perez Hilton hair.

Biking around the world on $100- ok the boy is a crackpot. ChelseA- what the hell is a ChelseAH- she doesn't know how to say her own name!! My god Matt seems to want to hook up with the whole house!

Oh Parker is the TMZ papparazo- I heard about him

Oh god I wonder if the exes will be told that they are soulmates- that i a freakin nightmare!!

Oh the boyfriend and girlfriend are not partners= that is awkward. It will also be awkward for the broken up couple- yet if they make up

Ok I mised a bunch of the episode but even on mute I feel so bad for Sheila- Adam looks like a complete douche. What an ass- that poor woman didn't ask for that

Sharon has very odd eyebrows- it' like half of each is shaved off. Oh my good Adam is such a jackass- I can't believe he just told her her breath stinks- god I hate guys like him. Beefcake jackasses- me represents every kl guy i hate. Go Sheila- get away from that prick. I love me the gay couple- they are so much fun! This competition is definitely starting on a smutty note! Poor Allison- I think I'd puke if someone sweated all over me like that. I can't believe the kid with the ribbon tattoo and pink hair isn't gay- just goes to show you can't judge a book..

Wait James just seemed like a violent fuck getting all pissed and violent with the pillow...

Jen and Parker are the power couple- time to get rid of Sheila and Adam- poor Sheila doesn't deserve being around this superdouche

UPDATE: Ok during the time I was on the phone I missed where Sheila was a complete bitch to Adam- Lisa Kenny updated me and told me that she was in fact absolutely horrible to him and then that's when he retaliated...must watch tonight to get a better read on the situation

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