Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big Brother 9

I love that Josh's plan was thwarted yesterday- I really am starting to like Ryan more and more. He is a good player- nice and level headed.

While Sheila once again proved she's crazy- calling Ryan selfish for taking 10000 from her....because her being angry and expecting everyone to give her the money isn't selfish...

Oh no Natalie is now going to go off the deep end- she found out about Matt and Sharon...she is totally going to kill one of them!! Oh Sharon you just shot yourself in the foot- now the vengeful jealous girl if out to get you

My god are Alex and Amanda sunbathing with coconut oil?!!? They need to use sunscreen!!

I think that it will be Jen going back in the house because of Ryan...or maybe parker will get another chance...I just hope it's not Allison or Amanda- I can't handle either of them! Oh it's Alex- I didn't think he was that popular! If he goes in the men will totally dominate.

I would like to see James evicted..but I think it'll be Sharon...oh I'm wrong! Why didn't the other ones get up to say goodbye?!?! Did I miss something?!

Oh it looks like it will be the mystery houseguest...I wouldn't bring back someone who I just pissed off...or not- now James seems to be getting the votes...oh it is James! Not a good move for Ryan and the boys...

Man James is pissed- he will totally win HOH this week

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