Sunday, July 13, 2008

Big Brother

I'm SOOOO excited that big brother is back on!!! This show always makes my summer!!

Hello Dan from Michigan- I look forward to our time together! A gay rodeo champ?! He's like the reallife Brokeback!! Am I the only one who is noticing how many people are older in this one? Brian looks like Nick from last year. Memphis!? What the hell kind of name is Memphis?! Oh and the token beefcake Jesse is on it.

Oh god someone is wasting space in their suitcase with a flag??! Oh no it's Dan from Michigan- I think our relationship is already over! That was short...

Ok I'm cheering for the old guy- I always love the old guys!!

I thought that this season was fan vs. favorites- where is my Dr. Will!?

Oh I like this twist of picking a HOH without even hearing anyone speak. It's all based on appearance- awesome!! I'm guessing it will be the old man or the older woman

I'm glad they redecorated the house- I hated the cabin last year. Wait I might take that back- why are all the rooms decorated like children or teenage rooms!? Oh god I hope that children don't show up!

I think that Renny is going to drive me nuts this summer.

Oh Gerry I think I love you. If Michelle is 28 then I am the Queen of England

A natural bodybuilder? What the hell does that mean- no steroids?

I might like the cell phone salesman...

And they are all grabbing April's boobs...including the long term married man!? It's all starting out nice and classy

I'm glad Gerry didn't volunteer to sit out during the first competition- he needs to show that he can compete with all of them. Go Gerry!!!

As for Jesse- you must be kicking yourself!! You seem like a beefcake who would want to be in a camaro.

Yay Gerry is HOH- I hope he doesn't make any enemies!! I think he should get rid of Renny- she is annoying people and no one will get made at him for doing it. He said he has seen all the seasons so he should know the game.

Why the hell is Renny wearing glasses in the diary room? And what the hell is Jesse wearing?!!? If he breaks out the crazy wear pants it will make my year!

I love how during the nomination ceremony everytime the camera pans to Jesse he is flexing his pecs

Is it just me or does Ollie look like LL Cool J?

Oh he nominated Jesse and Renny. Excellent- time to get rid of Renny.

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