Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Big Brother 10

I haven't blogged about this for a while but I have definitely watching. Jessie is still a douche, Keesha is an idiot, Renny is annoying, Gerry is a blowhard, Memphis looks like Ray Pruitt, and April has an overinflated ego.

I can't believe these people are letting Jessie come between their alliance. I love that he was awoken from his 3rd or 4th nap of the day- haha!

Gerry has got to learn how to address people- and now the entire alliance is fighting- and now Memphis is getting involved.

Yay Jessie is the furthest away from the veto- that's awesome!! God that kid has to go...except then Memphis goes and throws the competition...very odd. Yay it's Michelle that's out- I'm glad she didn't get it. I didn't want her to get it and take that little douche off. Yay Jessie is out- woohoo!! He is trying to relate hockey to golf? This guy is a retard

Oh Libra Michelle is going to kick her ass- this girl is going to kill her! Michelle you are showing that you are a complete idiot- she should have her kids taken away because you don't like her?

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