Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big Brother 10

Oh I love double eviction episodes- the drama is amazing!!! So much fun!

Aurevoir Michelle- you are out of there

God just rewatching Dan and his stupid game makes me uncomfortable- it makes no sense! The whole thing was just awkward and uncomfortable

Dan of course there is a target on your back- what the hell are you thinking?

Wow Gerry actually has a good plan- if he does stay quiet it could work.

I do love that they think that Dan is America's player.

Ollie you are a retard screaming that you are HOH- you are such a douche.

Oh good lord Ollie is now bringing up his manhood and embarassment- the whole world has seen him act as a porn star and he doesn't realize it's a game. So he's going to trash the house because Dan played with him?

I hope that the HOH isn't geared towards Ollie- I want him to go sooo badly!

Oh god this HOH is making me stressed out- I don't want Ollie or Gerry to win!!! Yes Keesha won!!!

Well I guess now Ollie can go have lots of sex in the sequester house with April

Ollie is such a tool- he thinks that everyone else cares that Dan "betrayed" him? Idiot

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