Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Celeb Baby Name

Ok this is just too crackpot for my liking. British chef Jamie Oliver and his wife just had their third baby, and while normally I wouldn't care about a chef this name was just awful. They named their little girl Petal Blossom...Petal Blossom!! I mean I used to watch the show too and thought about buying hats but never wanted to name my child after her! I agree with Michael from Dlisted- that is a My Little Pony name. And that's not the worst of it- her older sisters are Poppy Honey and Daisy Boo! DAISY BOO!! These are all nicknames- not real names!! It's like they are being set up to be porn stars! I mean I've always liked the name Poppy but for my future Labrador Retriever!

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